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© Cagnes Tourisme
Fete de la Saint-Pierre et de la Mer
Festival to honour Saint Peter, patron saint of sailors
The fishermen of Nice celebrate the sea every year with a grand procession from the Jesuit church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur down to the beach at Les Ponchettes.
The Fete de la Saint Pierre is a great traditional Port Festival. From 19:30, the evening builds up to the highlight of the event, the burning of a boat in the harbour to honour Saint Peter.
You can try your hand at various water activities for free during the day. It all ends with a live concert.
Notre Dame du Port
In Nice, the sea has always played an important role, participating in the development of the Royal Road Nice to Turin, at the time this was a huge focus for the County. Each day the fishermen go out to drop their nets and bring in fish to feed their families and to supply the markets. But at the same time the sea is fraught with danger - pirates attacking and plundering merchant ships, storms are sudden and violent and also uncertain.
From the Middle Ages, the fishermen believed themselves under the protection of St. Peter, so once a year they honour their patron saint during a moving procession that takes place in Old Nice. In the evening, fishermen gather on the beach, burn a boat as an offering. This tradition is still honoured today and takes place in the harbour area.